Our Aims and Objectives

To provide services, training, and information of value to membership.

To create opportunities for our members to grow their individual businesses and building connections within the industry.

To promote;

– Suitable and desirable legislation affecting the industry.

– Nationally recognized standard contract forms and best practices for procuring and providing design and construction services.

– High standards of personal and corporate professionalism, ethical conduct, and collaboration in the construction industry.

– The positive impact of the construction industry on society.

– Educate current and future generations the rich diversity of career opportunities available in the construction industry.  

Questions or Comments

Members may take advantage of these services at anytime by contacting the OCA, at 613-236-0488 or by e-mail at oca@oca.ca.

Anyone with questions or suggestions about the OCA’s website should contact Michael Roy mjroy@oca.ca or Stephanie Wallace stephanie@oca.ca.